Sunday, June 22, 2008

Day 12 Readings

Going on the Road

I really liked the statement "be clear, be quick, be gone" from the article Starting Successfully: How to Begin a Presentation. That sums it up for me, have as short a presentation as possible, covering the main points completely and then get out of there. All of these articles cover good basic points.
1. Be short and to the point.
2. Make sure you know who your audience is.
3. Be extemporaneous, have fun, go out on a limb.
4. Tell them what you're going to tell them and then tell them what you told
5. Smile and have good eye contact.


Margarita said...

I respect a presenter that is real and cares about his/her topic. I appreciate engagement and one who models best practices.

Mr. Colcord's Blog said...

I think that it nice if you can keep presentations short and sweet too, but sometimes the requirements demand 20-40 minute presentations and this can be troublesome. I thought that the article provided a lot of useful tips to get through such a presentation though.

Kathleen said...

The readings seemed to resound the theme of the last two weeks. in planning the portfolio we should keep it simple sweetie... KISS it. In the presentation of the folio it is clear the same essence is being resonated. be clear, be quick be gone! see ya!