Sunday, June 22, 2008

Day 12 Readings

Going on the Road

I really liked the statement "be clear, be quick, be gone" from the article Starting Successfully: How to Begin a Presentation. That sums it up for me, have as short a presentation as possible, covering the main points completely and then get out of there. All of these articles cover good basic points.
1. Be short and to the point.
2. Make sure you know who your audience is.
3. Be extemporaneous, have fun, go out on a limb.
4. Tell them what you're going to tell them and then tell them what you told
5. Smile and have good eye contact.

Day 11 Readings

Readings: Portfolios and Assessment

Assessments are good on judging where your students are and what the teacher still needs to cover, but does it help the student assess himself? Do any students go back through a paper and try to determine what they did wrong or do they just look at the grade? Most students just look at the grade and maybe read the teacher comments. I teach math, and very few students ask me why they missed a problem. Some will go back through and see what they did wrong for the next exam, but not very many. A porfolio would force them to assess themselves. They would be involved in the process of picking which assignments would be in their portfolio, therefor wanting to know what they did wrong so they can inprove on future assignments.

Day 10 Readings

In our district, our counselors use a program called Bridges. It's a place for students to enter their interests and then see what type of career they are suited for and would like. This helps the counselors suggest classes that the student should take to eventually work towards there work place goal. While we were going over it, we found out that students have an eportfolio by default. The students can type in or scan in work and it's all accessible from the Internet as long as you have the correct password. It would also be just as easy to scan in the rubrik's from the assignment, so the reader would be able to see what the grade was and how they were graded. I'm not sure if you can load audio or video, I will have to check into that. Other than that, I believe it would help our students keep their best work and be able to show it to anyone in the future. (And yes, supposedly as long as they log in every once in a while, they have it for life!)

Day 9 Readings

Electronic Portfolios

Electronic Portfolios or eportfolios are the most diverse and easily accessible. They are not folders with information in them that can be passed from one person to the other and only display the type of writing the person can do. Eportfolios can show not only writing capabilities but logical thinking and creativity. How do you navigate your eportfolio? This would take thinking skills. It needs to be set up so that anyone can navigate through it and get back to where they want to be. Creativity is also a HUGE part. In eportfolios you can add movies and sound tracks where in the old folder this was impossible. Since you are using all different modes of technology it keeps the audience engaged, and makes them want to see what else you have included in your best works.

Day 8 Readings

Professional/Teaching Portfolios

A Portfolio is a great way to keep track of our accomplishments. Whether it be a great lesson or a rave review from our principal, we can keep these in one place for ourselves and others to access. Portfolios are also a way to show how we strive to improve. We are always looking ways to make our lessons better, this will help us keep track of our best efforts and provide a starting point for improvement.

Day 7 Readings

Tips for different types of presentations

I have been to several presentations where the speaker is very knowledgeable on the topic, but not very interesting. If you can't present it well, half the audience will tune out with 30-60 minutes, which means no one is learning anything. But when you have a speaker who is knowledgeable and entertaining, the time flies by! The trick is to figure out how to make the presentation interesting so you hold every ones attention. In short, you are the expert, you can speak on the topic and give great information, but the audience is what matters. If you can't keep their interest, you might as well be speaking to a block wall.

Day 6 Reading

Digital Photography

The main point I got out of these readings was think about what you are doing. Don't just go out there and start taking pictures or using the scanner, actually think about what you want the end result to be. Arrange the people in your picture, make sure there aren't any shadows, sometimes you need the flash in the middle of a bright sunny day. This was the step that surprised me the most. I need to use the flash on a sunny day, they must be joking? Seeing the difference in the pictures real made the difference for me.