Sunday, June 22, 2008

Day 10 Readings

In our district, our counselors use a program called Bridges. It's a place for students to enter their interests and then see what type of career they are suited for and would like. This helps the counselors suggest classes that the student should take to eventually work towards there work place goal. While we were going over it, we found out that students have an eportfolio by default. The students can type in or scan in work and it's all accessible from the Internet as long as you have the correct password. It would also be just as easy to scan in the rubrik's from the assignment, so the reader would be able to see what the grade was and how they were graded. I'm not sure if you can load audio or video, I will have to check into that. Other than that, I believe it would help our students keep their best work and be able to show it to anyone in the future. (And yes, supposedly as long as they log in every once in a while, they have it for life!)


Margarita said...

What if Bridges started at the elementary level and followed students throughout their career?
I think students would take more pride in their work and be goal driven.

Lydia Horstman said...

That sounds like a nice tool. Is it an option for students to use keep up with the portfolio? Do teachers or councelors keep up with it? It sounds like it takes away a lot of the leg work teachers would have to go through to keep up with the portfolios.